The benefits of damp proofing your floor

Man doing Damp Proofing

The benefits of damp proofing your floor

Moisture climbing through your concrete flooring is a common problem which, if left untreated, can result in issues such as a failing floor or replacement work being required. Luckily, this issue is preventable by damp-proofing your flooring and today we are here to give you an insight into the benefits you could reap if applying this to your property.

Within the UK, condensation is not uncommon, and neither is rising damp. These two forms of moisture build up are common within concrete flooring and walls. These can both progress to aid the growth of mould of mildew, leading to additional issues which you may be unable to notice until too much time has passed.

Keeping your home dry

One of the benefits of damp proofing your flooring is that you will be able to keep your home dry. By the construction of your property remaining free of damp, mildew and mould, the walls of your property, through to the ceilings, internal flooring, plastering and furnishings will remain strong and dry. The layer of damp proofing will also prevent the appearance of building residual moisture.Without the element of damp proofed flooring, your home could become susceptible to insect housing, rotting wood and increased internal levels of mould and bacteria.

Keeping your family healthy

The possibility of bacteria growth inside of your home brings us onto the second benefit of damp proofing. Mould, mildew and damp furnishings all contribute towards the negative affects of your family’s health, especially any asthma, or lung health sufferers. The particles of bacteria can then find their way into your air stream if your household uses air-conditioning or a fan regularly, speeding further through your property.

Damp proofing will prevent the moisture from entering the construction of your home, keeping the walls, woodwork, ceiling and furnishings dry and safe from unneeded bacteria growth, allowing each member of your household to breath easily and remain on top form.

Maintain the value of your home

Damp is a problem that, if not sorted correctly, will become persistent, returning each season to your home and spreading further than before. If your property is on the market, estate agents can mark your home valuation down due to the damp alone, a factor which could ultimately prevent your home from selling. The simple action of damp-proofing can ensure that your property is rid of these negative impacts and remains strong and durable all year round, eliminating the growth of bacteria or mould.

To speak with a professional on the abilities to damp-proof your flooring, don hesitate to get in contact with our friendly team at Easifit Flooring by calling 0800 096 1171 or dropping us an email at where we will be happy to assist you further.