Why you should always ask your contractor about insurance

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Why you should always ask your contractor about insurance

When you are looking for a contractor your main concern is finding someone who can do a good job, in the time that you need them to, and within your budget. It can be a time-consuming process, looking for potentially suitable tradespeople, getting quotes, answering questions, seeking references, and finally coordinating diaries to get the job booked in. Then of course you have to do all the preparatory work to enable them to get on with the job.

But before you get this far, there is one question that you should be adding to your list of requirements and unfortunately this is often one that is overlooked by many.

Insurance. Most jobs go off without a hitch. But for that one that doesn’t, where there is no insurance cover in place, it can end up being a very expensive mistake. This month, we take a look at the types of insurance contractors should have and what they each cover.

Professional indemnity

This covers claims for damages or losses that are the result of a contractor’s negligence or bad advice – related, for example, to any design advice they give you or their proposed method of working. Typically, claims can be brought forward at any time and for up to six years after the work has been completed.

Employers’ liability

This won’t apply if you are hiring a single contractor who works alone. However, if they have a team of people working for them or are responsible for bringing any subcontractors in to undertake any part of the job, then they should have employers’ liability cover. If one of them is injured or falls ill and they claim compensation, your contractor should have sufficient cover in place to deal with this so that your job is not adversely affected.

Public liability

This cover will ensure that cover is in place should a member of the public be injured or seek damages from a job that one of your contractors is working on. This could be someone passing by outside or your neighbours and their properties being affected by something that your contractor is doing (or not doing if they should be!).

Product liability

If your contractor is supplying any products that are being used on your job, then they should have this cover in place. It will apply to any products that they are responsible for manufacturing, supplying, importing, or using. Any damage to property or injury resulting from products used can result in a claim.

Hiring an uninsured contractor can result in you getting sued instead. No matter what job your contractor is doing for you, you want to have peace of mind that they will not only do it well, but that they are professional about it and know that things can go wrong from time to time. Having the right insurance in place protects you as well as them should that ever happen.

For insured, experienced, and professional flooring contractors look no further than Easifit Flooring. Whatever it is you need us to do talk to us on 0800 096 1171 or drop us an email at and we will be happy to help you out.