New home, new floor [A guide]

New home, new floor [A guide]

Moving into a new home can bring a lot of emotions, but don’t let confusion be one of them! There are bound to be things that you will want to alter, whether that’s to bring the property up to date or to add your style, and laying new flooring can do just that. Follow our guide on when and how to successfully remove old flooring and lay your new preference to make a mark on your new property.

When to remove flooring

The first thing to note is that not all flooring needs to be removed for you to lay down a new one. One reason for removing is to ensure that your flooring doesn’t become too thick with multiple layers, but if you are looking to lay linoleum over a hardwood floor, it is unlikely that this issue will occur due to the fineness of the material. With that being said, if there is evident damage to the hardwood floor in the form of dents and holes, you could be better off removing the flooring as, once lighting hits the linoleum, these impurities may show through the thin flooring material. If you are unsure on the best flooring for your home, speak to a professional.

Establish the date of your flooring

If you are aware that your existing flooring was constructed before 1968, it may contain asbestos either within the flooring material itself or the surrounding cement. For flooring consisting of this, you should speak to a professional flooring contractor as they can advise the safest materials to use for removal, or offer their assistance to ensure that the action is carried out correctly, in the safest form.

How to remove flooring

Removing flooring can be an extensive task if you are not confident on the process. Hiring a professional to remove your flooring will guarantee that it is done correctly, allowing the next step to be carried out perfectly. Flooring removal involves firstly lifting the flooring itself, which can be done by chipping and raising, as well as any accompaniments that held it in place, such as nails, staples or glue. Whilst nails and staples may be simple to remove, glue or sealants can be painstakingly difficult. You will first need to establish the type of glue that has been used, thick and hard or soft and sticky. The thicker adhesives will require wood plane for thorough removal whilst the thinner and stickier adhesive will be harder to remove and will need a grinding machine to be done efficiently.

Preparing the sub-floor

Once the flooring, its accompaniments and adhesives have been removed you can begin to assess the subfloor. You will want to observe for holes, dents and cracks and secure any loosened floorboards, ensuring that the base is level. A floor levelling compound can be used to fill any hollowed areas and these can then be sanded down to create an even platform for your flooring. Once evened, you will need to lay a moisture barrier. This barrier can be tar paper, plastic sheeting or a vinyl underlayment. It is important to remember that, if you are laying this onto a concrete subfloor, the concrete itself has been left to dry thoroughly. This material will become ineffective if laid on wet subflooring.

Laying your new flooring

Dependant on your choice of flooring, you will need to be prepared with adhesive, nails or staples for secure fastening. A professional flooring contractor will be able to advise on the best techniques and materials for laying your flooring. For hardwood, we would recommend the use of nails, whereas for linoleum, we would recommend adhesive.

Here at Easifit, our supply only service is available for those who are confident and knowledgeable in laying their own flooring. However, if this is not you, we would always recommend the services of professional, removing any risk of injury or flooring faults which could cost you in the long run.

For advice and assistance on successfully removing out-dated floors, appropriately preparing and accurately laying new flooring for in new home, get in touch with a member of our specialist Easifit Flooring team today and we will be happy to assist. Call us on 0800 096 1171 or email us at today.